Relative Maturity: 91
Features & Benefits
• Widely adapted hybrid across soils and yield environments
• Very good drought and stress tolerance for tougher acres
• Excellent stalks and roots and good fall intactness allow extended harvest window
• Very strong emergence and vigor for early planting or reduced tillage
• Good Southern movement
• Caution placing on farms or regions that are prone to Goss' Wilt
Technology Trait

Region Adaptability

Staygreen: Above Avg
Greensnap: Very Good
Stalks: Very Good
Roots: Excellent
Early Vigor: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Very Good
Test Weight: Average
Silage: Average
Water Management
Full Irrigation: HR
Limited Irrigation: HR
Dryland (Stress): HR
Disease Tolerance
N. Corn Leaf Blight: Very Good
Gray Leaf Spot: Average
S. Corn Leaf Blight: Very Good
Goss's Wilt: Average
Common Rust: Average
Southern Rust: Average
Tar Spot:
Stalk Rot: Above Avg
Ear Rot: N/A
Management Response
Added Management: Very Good
Average Management: Excellent
Low Management: Excellent
Soil Placement
Course (Droughty): Very Good
Medium: Excellent
Heavy (Well Drained): Excellent
Heavy (Poorly Drained): Excellent
Variable: Excellent
Rotation Management
Rotated Acres: HR
Continuous Corn: NR
Continuous Corn with Fungicide: NR
Ratings: | 9 Excellent |
8 Very Good |
7 Above Avg |
5-6 Average |
3-4 Below Avg |
1-2 Poor |
Systems: | HR Highly Recommended |
R Recommended |
NR Not Recommended |
Resistance: | HR Highly Resistant |
R Resistant |
MR Moderately Resistant |
LR Least Resistant |
MS Moderately Susceptible |
S Susceptible |
All agronomic characteristics and ratings may vary with growing conditions and environment. Ratings are approximate and should not be considered as absolute. Ratings on new hybrids are based on limited data and may change as more data are colle cted. Extreme conditions may adversely affect hybrid performance. The relative maturity of one hybrid to another remains reasonably constant; however, the actual number of cale ndar days from seeding to physiological maturity varies with da te of planting, planting rate, temperature, day length, soil fertility, and other environmental factors.