Level up your yield and your return on investment with Wilbur-Ellis. We work alongside you to customize solutions, offering only the best products and services specific to your operation. Partner with us and find what products are right for your crops.
Our products are backed by fully vetted field trials, streamlined manufacturing, product teams, and our Research & Development team who actively seek out and develop superior solutions for your fields and orchards.
Product Name |
![]() FOLI-GRO® KILO® 0-0-24FOLI-GRO® KILO® 0-0-24 is formulated primarily for foliar applications to prevent or correct potassium deficiencies in a wide range of agronomic and ornamental plants. Its use is suggested as a supplement to a regular, balanced fertilizer program to enhance yields and improve quality. Application of FOLI-GRO KILO is a means of obtaining a quick response to needed elements. Foliar applications of FOLI-GRO KILO may be particularly beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand, for crops grown on soils having poor nutrient availability or to crops suffering from a weakened root system. Avoid foliar nutrient applications to crops during periods of moisture, salinity or heat stress. Applications of foliar nutrients to sensitive crops such as leafy vegetables or soft-skinned fruit during periods of excessive temperatures may cause cosmetic injury. FOLI-GRO KILO should be used as part of a comprehensive Total Nutrition System® for optimizing plant growth, development, yield and quality. |
![]() FOLI-GRO® TIDALWAVE®The Hardiness Needed to Survive the Toughest Environments FOLI-GRO TIDALWAVE® is a unique, concentrated sea plant extract with 0.35% EDTA zinc that has complete compatibility with most foliar nutritionals and pesticides. FOLI-GRO TIDALWAVE is designed to enhance foliar nutrient availability and uptake, driving growth and nutrients to key growing points. How Does It Work? The sea plant extract used in FOLI-GRO TIDALWAVE is harvested at precise intervals and then extracted with organic acids. Unlike most plant extracts, TIDALWAVE is highly concentrated and an amber, clear color. Adding the humectant power of NDemand® and enzyme activation with EDTA zinc creates a powerful tool for reducing stress and increasing yield potential with foliar or in-furrow applications. FOLI-GRO TIDALWAVE can be used in-season to combat nutrient and environmental challenges. FOLI-GRO TIDALWAVE can help crops recover from damage due to herbicides or dry weather. Increase chlorophyll production and improve photosynthesis with NDemand. |
![]() FOLI-GRO® ZINC 7%FOLI-GRO® ZINC 7% is formulated primarily for foliar applications to prevent or correct zinc deficiencies in a wide range of agronomic and ornamental plants. Its use is suggested as a supplement to a regular, balanced fertilizer program to enhance yields and improve quality. Application of FOLI-GRO ZINC 7% is a means of obtaining a quick response to needed elements. Foliar applications of FOLI-GRO ZINC 7% may be particularly beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand, for crops grown on soils having poor nutrient availability or to crops suffering from a weakened root system. Avoid foliar nutrient applications to crops during periods of moisture, salinity or heat stress. Applications of foliar nutrients to sensitive crops such as leafy vegetables or soft-skinned fruit during periods of excessive temperatures may cause cosmetic injury. FOLI-GRO ZINC 7% should be used as part of a comprehensive Total Nutrition System® for optimizing plant growth, development, yield and quality. |
![]() FTF® DEFOAMERFTF® DEFOAMER is a highly concentrated, high performance defoamer designed for controlling both entrained air and foam forming surface tension in agricultural sprays. |
![]() GLACIER-EA®GLACIER-EA® is a high surfactant oil concentrate designed for lower use rates and better desiccation of yield-robbing weeds than standard modified seed oils. GLACIER-EA utilizes a low foaming technology for smooth mixing and provides superior wetting and penetrating characteristics. GLACIER-EA and other ECO ADVANTAGE® products provide outstanding performance, are aquatically labeled, have improved safety/handling, and are NPE free. |
![]() GUIDANCE-EA®GUIDANCE-EA® leverages AccuStrike® Technology to bring powerful drift reduction and deposition to your aerial applications. See more uniform spray patterns and get more deposits on your intended target with this ECO-ADVANTAGE® product from Wilbur-Ellis. |
![]() HASTEN-EA®HASTEN-EA® is part of the ECO ADVANTAGE® platform that provides outstanding performance, approved for aquatic use, improves safety and handling and is NPE free. HASTEN-EA is a customized vegetable oil created as a surfactant concentrate providing excellent wetting characteristics. Pending registration in California, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. |
![]() HIGH LOAD®HIGH LOAD® is a nonionic emulsifiable crop oil concentrate blend designed for use with agricultural herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, PGRs and defoliants. |
![]() IN-PLACE®IN-PLACE® is a consistently high performing drift and deposition control agent which utilizes invert suspension technology and is part of a best-in-class drift reduction technology portfolio. IN-PLACE reduces driftable fines (less than 105 microns), has a broad use with most products and increases deposition allowing up to 20% more product to hit your target. Use with: conventional spray mixtures in agriculture, forestry, roadside, industrial, non-crop, turf, golf course and ornamentals. |
![]() INFOLIUM-EAINFOLIUM-EA™ is a nonionic surfactant that utilizes patented technology to improve the deposition quality of various organic products. Specially formulated for eco-friendly sustainable and organic applications, INFOLIUM-EA may also increase the absorption and translocation of all pesticide products, in addition to herbicides, by reducing the surface tension of the spray droplets. It is designed to promote quick wetting and spreading to produce a more uniform spray deposit. INFOLIUM-EA can be used for application to crops and other sites, including aquatic, non-crop vegetation, and turf and ornamental. |
Our agronomists are here to help identify the right products for your fields and orchards.