TILL-IT® PRIMO-K is specially formulated and concentrated, designed to reduce soil tie-up and provide optimal potassium availability to the plant roots. TILL-IT PRIMO-K may be applied via surface spray banding prior to irrigation or rainfall event, subsurface injection, metering into sprinkler, micro-sprinkler, drip or other water conveyance systems, or directly into flood or furrow irrigation waters. TILL-IT PRIMO-K is non-acidic and non-corrosive to application equipment and irrigation systems. It will not plug or foul filters or emitters in micro-irrigation systems. TILL-IT products are made specifically for use as soil-applied fertilizers. TILL-IT products should be used as part of a comprehensive Total Nutrition System® for optimizing plant growth, development, yield and quality. Consult your Wilbur-Ellis representative for advice on selecting treatments from this label to best fit local conditions.
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