LINK® MagMan33
LINK® MagMan33 is a foliar nutrient providing efficient plant uptake, rapid plant response and excellent plant safety. Nutrients contained in LINK MagMan33 are readily available when applied to plant foliage or directly to soil. LINK MagMan33 is designed primarily for foliar applications to prevent or correct magnesium, manganese and sulfur deficiencies in turf and a wide range of ornamental plants. LINK MagMan33 should be used as part of a comprehensive Total Nutrition Systems® for optimizing plant growth, development and quality. Applications of LINK MagMan33 is a means of obtaining a quick response to needed plant nutrients and beneficial elements. Foliar application of LINK MagMan33 may be particularly beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand, for plant growth on soils having poor nutrient availability, for plants suffering from a weakened root system or for other plant stresses. LINK MagMan33 provides exceptionally good results when used with a foliar iron source such as LINK Fe5. LINK MagMan33 is non-phytotoxic when used as directed. LINK MagMan33 is designed primarily for foliar applications to prevent or correct magnesium, manganese and sulfur deficiencies in turf and a wide range of ornamental plants. LINK MagMan33 should be used as part of a comprehensive Total Nutrition Systems® for optimizing plant growth, development and quality. Applications of LINK MagMan33 is a means of obtaining a quick response to needed plant nutrients and beneficial elements. Foliar application of LINK MagMan33 may be particularly beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand, for plant growth on soils having poor nutrient availability, for plants suffering from a weakened root system or for other plant stresses. LINK MagMan33 provides exceptionally good results when used with a foliar iron source such as LINK Fe5. LINK MagMan33 is non-phytotoxic when used as directed. LINK products are formulated specifically for the professional market including greenhouse, field and container grown nursery, sports turf, golf, lawn care, and landscape managers.
Essential elements in the production of chlorophyll.
Manganese plays a significant role in photosynthesis.
Corrects magnesium deficiencies.
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