INFOLIUM-EA™ is a nonionic surfactant that utilizes patented technology to improve the deposition quality of various organic products. Specially formulated for eco-friendly sustainable and organic applications, INFOLIUM-EA may also increase the absorption and translocation of all pesticide products, in addition to herbicides, by reducing the surface tension of the spray droplets. It is designed to promote quick wetting and spreading to produce a more uniform spray deposit. INFOLIUM-EA can be used for application to crops and other sites, including aquatic, non-crop vegetation, and turf and ornamental.
Quickly wets and spreads, enabling uniform coverage
Increases absorption of products into the plant tissue
Improved effectiveness of organic pest control products
Can provide greater uptake of foliar nutrition products
Excellent safety and handling
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INFOLIUM-EA helps keep the herbicide in solution prior to application.
Mixing INFOLIUM-EA and a buffering agent, TRI-FOL®, with an organic herbicide.

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