Agribusiness News
For Media Inquires:
Michele O’Rourke
People & Culture Director
Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness HQ
Suite 500
Aurora, CO 80014
(720) 306-6340
Increasing Yield of Cosmic Crisp® Apples
WA 38 (marketed as Cosmic Crisp) is a recently released apple cultivar from the WSU breeding program. At times, it experiences a heavy June drop, resulting in...
Soil Health and Baby Tree Performance
One of the common challenges faced by apple growers when establishing new plantings is optimizing tree growth to get the allotted space filled as quickly as...
Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Optimize Returns, Minimize Loss
Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Optimize Returns, Minimize Loss Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. It is also the...
Stress Less with Food Safety Audit Assistance from Wilbur-Ellis
In the Great Lakes region, the climate lends itself to fruit and vegetable production, bringing in more than a billion dollars of revenue each year. As a...
Going Toe-To-Toe with Resistant Weeds in the Red River Valley
Going Toe-To-Toe with Resistant Weeds in the Red River Valley The Upper Midwest, specifically the Red River Valley, is home to a great diversity of crops....
Irrigation Initiation
What a difference a year makes! Last year, growers were well into the irrigation season by March 1st, while this year, we will need to be careful not to...
Early Season Nitrogen Strategies in a VERY Wet Year
Almond nitrogen needs are now in full swing, but with the extremely wet conditions, there is no need for irrigation, thus no ability for fertigation, which is...
The Importance of Soil Temperatures
Monitoring soil moisture as we enter Spring is common, however, soil temperature can be easily overlooked. Why are Spring soil temperatures important to look...