Agribusiness News
For Media Inquires:
Michele O’Rourke
People & Culture Director
Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness HQ
Suite 500
Aurora, CO 80014
(720) 306-6340
Strategies to Optimize Soil Moisture
Optimum soil moisture involves more than the amount of water you are applying. Wilbur-Ellis has the right tools for greater water holding capacity, improving...
Today’s Risk Management Requires the Right Plan
The U.S. agriculture industry today faces uncertainty from supply chain issues, evolving weather patterns and global unrest.
Spring Soil Sampling
With spring approaching fast and plans to come together rapidly, consider how your fertility, irrigation, and horticulture decisions will be made and evaluated this year. When it comes to samples and laboratory tests, there are many options.
Water Management Compliance and TNS
Farming is hard and change is not painless. Complying with the myriad of government regulations and 3rd party standards now required by retailers makes those truths even more difficult.
Monitoring Soil Temperatures in the Spring
Before we jump into the debate between dry vs. liquid sources of potassium, let us first cover some basic agronomy as it pertains to potassium nutrition in almonds. Potassium plays various essential roles in all plant species.
Bacterial Blast and Canker
A point of interest in Northern California is the increased visibility of Bacterial Blast and Canker in young almond orchards.
A True Problem: Stink Bug & Leaf Footed Plant Bug
Two true bugs that are a problem in almond orchards in the San Joaquin Valley are the Green Stink Bug and the Leaf Footed Plant Bug. Both insects can cause damage to the crop that can result in economical loss to the grower.
Irrigation Strategy When Water Supply is Limited
California’s agricultural waterscape is looking relatively grim for the 2022 irrigation season. Many growers will be making irrigation decisions with a limited water supply weighing heavily on their minds.