Resistance Management

Stay ahead of Resistance

The key to resistance management is getting in front of it. Growers know the importance of mitigating herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide resistance to protect their crops long-term, and Wilbur-Ellis is the first line of defense. Our agronomists customize resistance management strategies that minimize resistance opportunities, maximize product efficiency, and keep more crop protection tools in your toolbox. Together, we can generate better resistance management.

Need to speak to an agronomist?

Our team is here to help identify the right products and resistance management strategies for your fields.

Your resistance management resource

Resistance is a factor across the country, and every operation has its unique challenges. Our team customizes strategies by region to maximize product efficiency, minimize resistance opportunities, and keep within budget.
Field Imagery

Customize your strategy

Because we have access to active ingredients and products from across the industry, our agronomists can offer the best customized resistance management strategies to meet your unique challenges.

Keep your options open

Our Fungicide, Herbicide, and Insecticide teams examine each product and recommend rotations to prevent resistance and keep more crop protection tools viable for your fields.

Tap into our expertise

Wilbur-Ellis is the first line of defense when it comes to resistance issues and agronomic practices. With a wide range of product offerings, we deliver the best research-based solutions, customized for your operation to keep your fields protected.

Global Insights & Resources

Weed Escapes

Are you done spraying yet? Or have you surrendered and quit spraying? Primarily, post-emergence weed control has been a struggle this year. Slow growing weeds, hardened off/waxy leaved weed cuticles have contributed to a lackluster level of weed control from...

Weed Escapes


Our team is here to guide you through resistance management challenges, identifying the products and practices you need for crop protection you can count on.

seeding icon


Determine the aerial, ground or other custom application methods that are right for your operation and take confidence in our industry-leading practices and products.

Crop Icon

Tissue Sampling

Sample your crops to ensure they’re getting the right nutrients and learn how you can adjust to fit your fields’ needs throughout the season.

field icon

Field Scouting

Assess environmental conditions, beneficial insects, pest insects, weed and disease pressure, and crop performance affecting your yield. 

Contact Us

Our team is ready to help you meet the challenges in your fields head-on. 

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