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2022 Spring Food Safety Updates
2022 spring reminders As spring approaches here are a few reminders to add to your spring to-do list: Initial pre-season water tests Review and Complete Risk assessments Employee safety trainings Calibration equipment records Update contact list Update visitor log...
Eye in the Sky Giving a Leg Up in Vole Control
Like many Willamette Valley grass seed producers, Monroe, Oregon, farmer Tony Stroda has incurred significant losses to voles over the past two years, both in crop damage and from the cost to purchase and apply bait. Today, Stroda is banking on a technology that he...
January 2022 Almond Update
A new year is upon us and soon almonds will be breaking dormancy to kick off the 2022 growing season. As the proverbial question asks, which came first, the chicken or the egg? One might ask, which comes first, new roots or new leaves? As can be seen in the graphics below it is clear that immediately following bloom leaf out begins and after that, the first flush of spring root growth occurs (research conducted by Patrick Brown, et al).
Extend the Life of Your Virus Infected Vineyard
Grapevine Leafroll Virus 3 is one of the biggest challenges facing us in Eastern Washington wine-growing areas. In the years since the discovery that Grape Mealybug was the vector for Leafroll Virus 3 we knew it would be just a matter of time before we would see widespread effects of the virus without good pest control.