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Corn Stalk Lodging Management and What You Can Do
What was the cause? Easy—3-4 days of 40+ mph winds! Yes, this was certainly a big part of it. But, other factors such as Lower fertility levels in certain areas of the fields likely had more lodging than others. Soil compaction—high-traffic areas or areas where...
Common Challenges Around Harvest & How to Overcome
Grasshoppers It is not uncommon to find a population of grasshoppers in your combine tank. Normally around the field edges or maybe in a weed-laden area of the field. Grasshoppers are often worse in hot, dry conditions. One big reason is that insects, as...
Postharvest Nutrition
Yet again, 2022 has been a whirlwind of a growing season and here we, are in mid-September with apples coloring up and pears ready for storage. We started off the year with a cold, wet spring and multiple days of heavy snow during full bloom. For some orchards in...
Six Common Stalk Rots
Stalk rot development happens most years to some degree and this year it will follow a “vulture on the carcass” analogy as the plant had already pre-maturely died from this year’s weather pattern and then the disease infections began. Following is a brief...