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Fighting Drought Stress
In Nebraska, we are still in the grips of a dry weather pattern. See below for a mid-winter look at the drought monitor: VIEW DROUGHT MONITOR > Currently, parts of Nebraska are some of the driest areas in the country. We have had some precipitation as...
Does Seed Size Matter?
As you select grades and weights of seed corn for the 2022 season, you may have heard at the coffee shop, chat room, or implement dealership, that certain grades and seed weight makes a difference in seed spacing, seed depth, stand establishment, and in the...
Technology Enhances Hops Nutrient Management
Hops are unlike other value-added crops. Their bines and cones have special environmental and nutritional needs, and Wilbur-Ellis is eager to help growers with everything hops. In the past 10 years Wilbur-Ellis has worked with growers in the Pacific Northwest to...
Replace What You Harvest
We talk about this EVERY FALL and it is a redundant topic, but necessary to think about. We just harvested another decent crop. The twist this fall is that some areas were hit harder with the dry weather than others. Consequently, nutrient uptake into the...