Effects Of Drought On Fertility Availability

It appears that dry weather won’t be going away very soon, at least in East and Southeast Nebraska. That is bad news for growing many things. It is not rocket science to know that when it doesn’t rain much, crop development slows, and production levels decrease. There...

Post-Emergence Herbicide Applications

Soon, summer annual weeds such as ragweed, water hemp, foxtail, and velvetleaf will emerge and actively grow in your fields. While your method of control has likely changed over the years, crop and weed competition has not changed for some time. It brings up the...

Nebraska Weather and Crop Progress Update

May 11, 2023 It is still dry. Some areas in the SE part of the state have been blessed with timely rains (3 rain events since April 15th—at Plattsmouth totaling about 1.5”), but most areas are still in the grips of dry conditions. It is not the top 2-4 inches of the...

Considerations For Planting Season

Everyone’s situation is different. The video and information below share a few things for you to consider on your farm this spring:   Planting Into Dry Soils Here are a few questions to ask yourself when preparing to plant into dry soil conditions: Should I...

Tackle Weeds with a Proactive Approach

In West Texas, herbicide resistance has been top of mind since 2014 when glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth was identified. Since then, growers and agronomists have had to navigate more challenging weed pressure, drought conditions and weed resistance to other...

Seed-Placed Fertilizer & Seed Size Performance

Agronomists are always looking for ways to help growers place plant nutrients beneath the soil surface for maximum agronomic effectiveness. Applying fertilizer directly with the seed is one option, but there is a limit to how much fertilizer can be placed there. There...