Broad Spectrum Weed Control

Before the Roundup Ready Row Crop Revolution that began in 1996, we actively used pre-emergence tank mixes with a fair amount of success for weed control. At that time, there was still a large amount of tillage used, not near as many herbicide options to select from,...

Fighting Drought Stress

In Nebraska, we are still in the grips of a dry weather pattern. See below for a mid-winter look at the drought monitor: VIEW DROUGHT MONITOR >   Currently, parts of Nebraska are some of the driest areas in the country. We have had some precipitation as rain...

Does Seed Size Matter? 

As you select grades and weights of seed corn for the 2022 season, you may have heard at the coffee shop, chat room, or implement dealership, that certain grades and seed weight makes a difference in seed spacing, seed depth, stand establishment, and in the...