Summer Pests

As we progress into July, we are seeing the development of Japanese beetle populations. They have hit midway on the GDD calculator for peak emergence, and with more uneven crop stages this year, they may find those early emerging corn silks quite appetizing. Corn...

The Importance and Difference Between Soil Tests

Growing a crop can be difficult, there are many different metrics that need to be correct to get the desired yield. Water management, proper pruning, keeping pests and disease away, and adequate nutrition. Here at Wilbur-Ellis, we are always looking for scientifically...

Dry Weather Impact On Crop Development

Although beneficial, any rainfall has been spotty at best in coverage and amounts, and a general soaking rain will soon be needed before permanent damage to the developing crop occurs. Many producers have dealt with dry growing seasons before, but many have not dealt...

Irrigating Cherries Pre/Post Harvest

In Eastern WA, it is not abnormal to see temperatures well into the nineties during cherry harvest. Because of this hot weather proper irrigation timing is crucial. With Probe Schedule and the help of the Wilbur-Ellis water management team, we are here to help growers...

In Season Nutrient Requirement

Nutrient management plays a vital role in determining an orchard’s tree growth, yield, and fruit quality. Careful manipulation of fertilizer formulation products as well as precision application strategy can be effective in improving fertilizer use efficiency and soil...