Identifying Late-Season Soybean Diseases

There are many foliar fungal soybean diseases currently infecting a number of soybean fields right now. Most of these are fusarium-based. Why? Consider this: Prior to July 4th, many soybean fields were suffering from the ill effects of dry weather—just like...

Importance of Fall Fertility in Apples and Pears

With apples and pears going into bins, it’s a wonderful time of the year. Fall is around the corner, and a much-needed break is on the way. In most perennial tree fruit, however, initial Spring growth and early fruit development rely mainly on reserves accumulated the...

Pollination Problems

Don’t be alarmed with the sample pictured below – I did hunt a bit for this; however, there is an erratic kernel set and underdeveloped ears this year now that pollination is ending. But wait, there is more to this. Is the cup ½ full or ½ empty? This time of...

Weed Escapes

Are you done spraying yet? Or have you surrendered and quit spraying? Primarily, post-emergence weed control has been a struggle this year. Slow growing weeds, hardened off/waxy leaved weed cuticles have contributed to a lackluster level of weed control from...

Crop Development Update – 6/29/2023

Corn Plant Development: V8 – V12 Stages (Vn (vegetative stages) based on visible leaf collars) V8 – V9 Period of rapid growth as new “V” stage is occurring about every 3 days All leaves have been formed but most are still hidden in the whorl Plant begins...