What’s in a Name & Number?

Harvest has begun for some and will soon begin in many locations across the state and soon you will see yield data from every company known to sell seed stating that their hybrid or variety is the one you should be planting. During hybrid/variety evaluation that...

Sense Of Yield

When a field is significantly better or worse than your farm average, it is hard to know for sure why. The differences may be large within only a mile or two between locations. As an example, consider some of these factors as you analyze crop yields this fall: Yield...

Green Stems At Harvest

Prior to a killing frost, green soybean stems with dry grain moistures have become a concern in a number of varieties from a number of companies. I realize that green stems through the combine make an unsettling sound and can be cause for concern. This year, again,...

How Fast do Soybeans Dry Down in the Field?

Early planted/early RM soybeans are nearing maturity across our area. Soybean sensitivity to day length speeds up crop development towards physiological maturity. Physiological maturity of soybeans occurs 2-5 days after 95% of the plants have reached growth stage R7...

Integrating PURIC® into a Salinity Remediation Program

Though different species and varieties of turfgrass have differing levels of salt tolerance, accumulation of soil salts resulting from inadequate leaching and use of recycled water or water naturally high in dissolved solids (salts) will lead to problems for turf...