Romeo is a preventative biofungicide that boosts your plants' disease response by activating their physical and biochemical defenses, helping them fight back against future fungal attacks. It works just like a vaccine, introducing plants to a simulated pathogenic fungus and boosting their internal responses.
Preventative Disease Control and Chemical Synergy
Allowing Romeo to be used as a foundation for more robust disease-management programs.Plant Strengthening Attributes
That keep your crops safe from fungi.Organic Farming Ready
No residue, all-natural and ready to go.
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Romeo on Vegetables
A Quick Word on Romeo from an Ag Expert
The Experts on Romeo’s Efficacy
The Experts on Beating Downy Mildew with Romeo
Putting Romeo to the Test, Your Preventative Biofungicide
Romeo is your new preventative biofungicide to fight back against disease. Watch now to see Wilbur-Ellis PCA, Bailee Synder, talk about how Romeo performs in her conventional and organic crop markets. With Romeo, you can get ahead of disease and make sure you are getting your ROI with your fungicide applications.
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